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meet you

We are Futurama

We are Futurama, a strategy & creative team for the business market, supporting ambitious brands for over a decade. From our base in Rotterdam, we work nationally and internationally to create opportunities for companies and individuals looking to move forward.

As an agency for brand strategy and brand activation, we focus on a combination of three factors that make working with us a bit different.

1. Strategy and Creativity as one

At Futurama, you have Strategy and Creativity at the table from the very beginning. We believe that this combined strength results in clear strategies that are immediately translated into targeted, motivating communication.

2. Close to the people who shape the brand

Of course, we utilise Teams, Zoom, and Meet, but to truly understand each other and get the most out of our collaboration, we often work closely together. This helps us create and maintain momentum, providing everyone with the most energy!

3. Focus on the business market

With long purchasing processes, multiple decision-makers involved, and products or services with a wealth of content and details, we tackle every challenge in the business market with unique stories, striking creativity, and successful communication.

Our track record includes multinational and SME organizations in various industries, including Finance, IT, Construction, Energy, Family Businesses, Industry, Pharma, Transport & Logistics, Insurance, and Business Services.